• Sugar-free Crispy toast, so healthy that I won’t allow you to make it if you haven’t tried it before: 1


    Prepare ingredients.

  • Sugar-free Crispy toast, so healthy that I won’t allow you to make it if you haven’t tried it before: 2


    Pour all the ingredients except butter into a food processor and mix to form a dough.

  • Sugar-free Crispy toast, so healthy that I won’t allow you to make it if you haven’t tried it before: 3


    Then add softened butter and continue kneading to form a thick film.

  • Sugar-free crispy toast, so healthy that I won’t allow you to make it if you haven’t tried it before: 4


    Take out the dough and shape it slightly, then put it in a container and ferment it at 35 degrees until it doubles in size.

  • Sugar-free Crispy toast, so healthy that I won’t allow you to make it if you haven’t tried it before: 5


    If the dough does not shrink when you poke holes in it, it means the fermentation is successful.

  • Sugar-free Crispy toast, so healthy that I won’t allow you to make it if you haven’t tried it before: 6


    After the fermentation is completed, take out the dough and press it to deflate, then divide it into three parts. After resting for 20 minutes, roll the dough into a rectangular shape, roll it up and put it into the mold.

  • Sugar-free Crispy toast, so healthy that I won’t allow you to make it if you haven’t tried it before: 7


    Ferment until 80% full, preheat the oven to 210 degrees, steam bake for 15 minutes, then turn off the upper heat, change the lower heat to 180 degrees and bake again25-28 minutes is enough.


1. If there is no steam in the oven, spray some water into the baking pan after preheating, and then put the toast mold in.
2. When the surface is basically colored, lower the temperature and bake. You can adjust it according to your own oven.